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A. Hanson, NYC, 2014 |
Galatians is a favorite of Lutherans as well, because Paul teaches justification by faith through grace.
A. The following passages from Galatians do not appear in the lectionary:
Gal 2:1-14 (Paul and the other apostles; Paul rebukes Peter at Antioch)
Gal 3:1-22 (Law or Faith; The promise to Abraham; The purpose of the law)
Gal 4:1-3 (while we were minors, we were slaves to the law)
Gal 4:5-31 (Paul reproves the Galatians; the allegory of Hagar and Sarah)
Gal 5:2-12 (The nature of Christian freedom
Gal 6:17-18 (a final admonition and benediction)
B. The following passages from Ephesians do not appear in the lectionary:
Eph 4:17-24 (The old life and the new)
Eph 5:3-6 (renounce pagan ways)
Eph 5:21-33 (The Christian household: this is the controversial "wives be subject to your husbands" passage)
Eph 6:1-9 (Children obey your parents; slaves obey your masters)
Eph 6:21-24 (personal greetings and benediction)
C. The following passages from Philippians do not appear in the lectionary:
Phil 1:1-2 (salutation)
Phil 1:12-20 (Paul's present circumstances)
Phil 2:14-30 (Shining as lights in the world; Timothy and Epaphroditus)
Phil 3:1-4 (admonishment that one need not be tied to the law of circumcision)
Phil 4:10-23 (Acknowledgment of the Philippians gift; final greetings and benediction)
D. The following passages from Colossians do not appear in the lectionary:
Col 1:29 (a statement about Paul's interest in the Colossians)
Col 2:1-5 (more commentary on Paul's interest in this community
Col 2:20-23 (Warnings against false teachers)
Col 3:18-25 (Rules for Christian households, "wives be subject to your husbands")
Col 4 ("masters treat your slaves justly"; further instructions; Final greetings and benediction)
E. The following passages from 1 Thessalonians do not appear in the lectionary:
1 Thess 2:13-20 (giving thanks for the community; Paul's desire to visit the community again)
1 Thess 3:1-8 (the sending of Timothy to check in on the community; Timothy's report)
1 Thess 4:1-12 (A life pleasing to God)
1 Thess 4:12-15 (some final greetings)
1 Thess 4:25-28 (request for prayer; benediction)
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