Thursday, July 03, 2014

Highlighting the Bible, Part IV, Year B (Mark 2015) Gospel readings

A. Hanson, Minnesota, 2014
Part IV: Highlighting the Bible, Year B

The Gospel readings for Year B include readings from Mark's Gospel, as well as a substantial amount of readings from John's Gospel. As far as Gospel's go, Mark is my least favorite.  It is abrupt, hurried, and brief.

Here's what doesn't appear from Mark's Gospel in Year B:

Mark 1:40-45 (Jesus cleanses a leper)

Mark 2 (Jesus heals a paralytic, Jesus calls Levi, The Question about Fasting, Pronouncement about the Sabbath)

Mark 3:1-19 (The Man with a Withered Hand, A multitude at the Seaside, Jesus Appoints the Twelve)

Mark 4:1-25 (The Parable of the Sower, The Purpose of the Parables, A Lamp Under a Bushel Basket)

Mark 5:1-20 (Jesus heals the Geresene Demoniac)

Mark 6:45-52 (Jesus Walks on Water)

Mark 7:9-13 (an admonishment about rejecting the commands of God)

Mark 7:17-20 (Another admonishment)

Mark 8:1-26 (Feeding the Four Thousand, The Demand for a Sign, The Yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod, Jesus Cures a Blind Man and Bethsaida)

Mark 9:9-29 (The Coming of Elijah, The Healing of a Boy with a Spirit)

Mark 10:32-34 (A Third Time Jesus foretells His Death and Resurrection)

Mark 11 (Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus Curses the Fig Tree, Jesus Cleanses the Temple, The Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree, Jesus' authority is Questioned)

Mark 12:1-27 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, The Question about Paying Taxes, The Question about the Resurrection)

Mark 12:35-37 (The Question About David's Son)

Mark 13: 9-23 (Persecution Foretold, The Desolating Sacrilege)

Mark 14 (The Plot to Kill Jesus, The Anointing at Bethany, Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus, The Passover with the Disciples, The Institution of the Lord's Supper, Peter's Denial Foretold, Jesus Prays in Gethsemane, The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus, Jesus Before the Council, Peter Denies Jesus)

Mark 15 (Jesus Before Pilate, Pilate Hands Jesus Over to be Crucified, The Soldier's Mock Jesus, The Crucifixion of Jesus, The Death of Jesus, The Burial of Jesus)

Mark 16: 9-19 (This is called the "Longer Ending of Mark", and includes Jesus' appearance to Mary Magdalene, two disciples, the commissioning of the disciples, and the Ascension of Jesus)

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