Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Highlighting the Bible Part V: The Gospel of John

Amy Hanson, Minnesota, 2014
Portions of John's Gospel are scattered throughout the three-year lectionary cycle. Also, because John's Gospel has the highest Christology, we read the texts for Holy Week and the Easter story from John's Gospel.

The following are passages from John's Gospel that do not appear in the three-year cycle (Years A,B,C) of the Revised Common Lectionary.

John 2:23-25 (Commentary on Jesus cleansing the Temple)

John 3:22-36 (Jesus and John the Baptist, The One Who Comes From Heaven)

John 4:1-4 (Commentary on how Jesus made his way back to Galilee through Samaria)

John 4:46-54 (Jesus Heals an Official's Son)

John 5:10-47 (Commentary on Jesus Heals on the Sabbath, The Authority of the Son, Witnesses to Jesus)

John 6:22-23 (Commentary on Jesus being alone on the Shore before the story of Bread from Heaven)

John 6:36-40 (Jesus talking to the disciples about being the bread from heaven)

John 7:1-36 (The Unbelief of Jesus' Brothers, Jesus at the Festival of Booths, Is This the Christ?, Officers are Sent to Arrest Jesus)

John 7:40-52 (Division Among the People, The Unbelief of Those in Authority)

John 8:1-30 (The Woman Caught in Adultery, Jesus the Light of the World, Jesus Foretells his Death)

John 8:39-59 (Jesus and Abraham)

John 10:19-21 (commentary from the Jewish crowds that Jesus must have a demon)

John 10:31-42 (more of the story of Jesus being rejected by the Jews)

John 11:45-57 (The Plot to Kill Jesus)

John 12:12-19 (Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem)

John 12:37-50 (The Unbelief of the People, Summary of Jesus' Teaching)

John 13:36-38 (Jesus foretells Peter's denial)

John 15:18-25 (The World's Hatred)

John 16:1-4 (Jesus speaking about the tribulations that will come to those who follow him)

John 16:16-33 (Sorrow will Turn into Joy, Peace for the Disciples)

John 21:20-25 (Jesus and the Beloved Disciple)

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