Friday, March 30, 2012


Labyrinth at Montview Presbyterian Church
My Lenten discipline this year was to make Friday mornings a time of intentional sabbath.  From internet, schoolwork, etc.  Although since it is friday morning, and I am on the internet writing this post, I'm not doing so great at it.  But yesterday I ended up taking an entire day of Sabbath, and it was fantastic.

I worked the early shift at work, and got off at 7am.  I was absolutely exhausted, so I decided that instead of going to the library or spending the day at my desk getting work done, I went back to sleep. Ah, blissful sabbath.  Then I made tortilla soup from scratch.  Then, having finished reading a book cover to cover (FOR FUN!) I walked over to the library and picked up some more books.  When I was over in Park Hill, I decided to take the opportunity to do something that I have wanted to do for a long time, walk the prayer labyrinth at Montview Presbyterian Church.  What a beautiful, peaceful oasis in the city.  I might just make this part of my routine more often.

When 5:00pm rolled around, and it was time to go back to work for the dinner shift, I realized that I had not checked my email or Facebook account all day.  One thing that I work hard at, because it is so very hard for me, is taking a break when I need a break.  Practicing Sabbath in the midst of chaos and obligation.   Because I feel like if I am not doing something or accomplishing something or working towards some goal, I am going to fall behind.  I am not sure what I think I will miss, but honestly, in always running towards something, I do miss things.  Like the present.

I have had an exhausting few weeks.  First, finals, then moving to a new house, all the while my grandmother was sick, then she passed away two weeks ago, and then last week I made a whirlwind trip back to South Dakota for her funeral.  And I am tired.  So, even though my exhaustion took me down yesterday, I listened to myself and took an entire day to just be.  And it felt wonderful.

I think God created the concept of a Sabbath for a reason.  We just do not know how to listen to ourselves about rest and taking time, until we are absolutely leveled with weariness.  God knows we will run and run, and by setting aside intentional time each week for quiet, we can grow closer to God.  So I am keeping this Lenten discipline after the end of Lent this year.  I owe it to myself.

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