Thursday, December 01, 2011


A couple weeks ago I was dreaming what I would be doing when I was done with finals.  I finished on 11/18, and since then, have thoroughly been enjoying myself.

So far I have:
1. Gotten a pedicure
2. Gotten a massage
3. Read five books (for fun!)
4. Had multiple conversations with friends at coffee shops that lasted for hours.  One conversation this week with my friend Amy lasted for about four hours.
5. worked out almost every day

This weekend some people at my church are taking on an ambitious project...we will be reading the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke/Acts and John) out loud to each other in celebration of Advent.  It will take about 7 hours.  But that is going to be a beautiful thing.

Next week I head to Montana for a few days (pray for no snow!), then back here until school starts.  I have quite a bit of Greek homework to do (which I have yet to start), and I am beginning work this afternoon on my fellowship proposal for the Fund for Theological Education.  Life is good.

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