Monday, February 15, 2010


It is four days after PRK surgery and this time around is much different.  Saturday was absolutely terrible, and found me on the futon for the entire day, hardly moving.  The only thing that seemed to relieve the pain was an ice pack and going in and out of sleep.  Ibuprofen was doing nothing to stop the pain at all, and my dear friend Nicole who is an EMT, told me to start taking Tylenol.  I was in no condition to go anywhere, so had to call a friend to pick some up from King Soopers.  He picked me up, brought me to his family's house and we watched the Olympics.  Saturday night went well, I was hardly in any pain at all. 

Sunday went well.  I was able to watch a movie, enjoy lunch with a coworker and spend some time talking with friends on the phone.  Today is back to being difficult.  I hadn't had any issues with light sensitivity up to this point, but right now I am wearing sunglasses and squinting at the screen with one eye open.  Also, the pain I was experiencing earlier was aching, right now it is stinging.  I hope it means it is healing.  When I go back to see Dr. Andrews tomorrow, he will take out the bandage contact lens and the epithelium will begin to heal on its own. 

I guess the Neurontin is helping to cut the pain, I cannot imagine what it would be like otherwise.  However, it makes me extremely lethargic and loopy.  I am having a hard time remembering what I have done and what I have said in my conversations.  Good thing I have plenty of friends around to check on me.   I cannot tolerate staring at the screen any longer and I think it is time for another nap.

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