Monday, March 12, 2007

Immigration activism

Since I know quite a few immigrants and their supporters, I will be participating in this moratorium on purchases. I participated in the "Day without immigrants" last year, but I think we need to make an even stronger statement now. Not buying anything "unnecessary", besides food or medicine. It won't be that hard for a week. All I have to do is give up my happy hour for one week.
Immigrant groups announce boycott
"The economic gears of this country are dependent on the 12 million undocumented workers here."
By Elizabeth Aguilera Denver Post Staff Writer
Article Last Updated: 03/09/2007 12:36:42 AM MST
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Immigrants and their supporters plan to keep their money at home for a week.
No new televisions, no extra clothing, no wiring money to family members abroad or even paying for a photocopy at the consulate.
The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, which represents nearly 80 immigrant groups statewide, on Thursday announced an economic boycott set to begin March 25.
"The economic gears of this country are dependent on the 12 million undocumented workers here - it cannot work by itself," said Ignacio Ramirez, of Immigrant Families in Southwest Denver. "We play an important role in the economy."
Representatives from Padres and Jovenes Unidos, the American Friends Service Committee, Coloradans for Immigrant Rights and the Muslim American Society gathered in Skyline Park in downtown Denver to announce their plans.
The boycott is set to begin after a group of 10 Colorado activists travels to Washington, D.C., to lobby for immigration reform that includes a pathway to legalization for illegal immigrants and support for the DREAM Act, which would help undocumented students access college.
"We hope to educate the Congress more about the situation immigrants face and the need in this country for reform," said Marvin Correa, who is traveling to D.C. for Rights for All People. "This is a situation that cannot continue."
U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, a Littleton Republican, says an economic boycott will make little difference: "What this group is looking for is not 'comprehensive immigration reform' but an amnesty and pathway to citizenship for people who have broken the law."
Boycott organizers are printing 50,000 fliers and are urging immigrants and supporters to avoid spending money on anything except necessities such as food and medicine. They are also discouraging immigrants from sending any remittances abroad and to avoid any consular transactions.
Immigrants want to send a message to Latin American governments, which rely on more than $30 billion in remittances annually, said Ramirez.
The Muslim American Society is on board, said Hashem Malik. About half of the 10 million Muslims in the U.S. are immigrants.
"It's sad to see that spending dollars are welcome, but when it comes to representation, it's invisible," Malik said. "When corporations see the money walk out the door, they pay attention."
Staff writer Elizabeth Aguilera can be reached at 303-954-1372 or

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