Thursday, February 14, 2013

My default reaction to Christians in the media

I caught myself tonight in a familiar trap.  Every time I hear something about Christians speaking out about something in the media I automatically assume two things:

1. They are evangelical
2. I won't agree with them

But tonight I was humbled by this article in the Denver Post.  

It is titled, "Colorado evangelicals cite Bible as they embrace immigration reform" and is written by Nancy Lofholm, and I am ashamed to admit that I was bracing myself for another spouting off by Focus on the Family and their ilk.  However, I was humbled in that I actually agreed with them.  And it took me reading the entire article twice to get to that point.    

By way of a reflection on the gospel in media, I think it is really important to critically examine where we are coming from when we consume certain media pieces.  This article did a good job of critically looking at why the evangelical movement might be attempting to embrace immigration reform, primarily because the Latino/a community is the fastest growing demographic in the evangelical church.  Focus on the Family and other organizations profiled in the article state that they believe they are more fully embracing a message of the Gospel.  

While I tend to read things with a hermeneutic of suspicion, particularly given the previous roles of Focus on the Family in Colorado, as well as the highly contentious debate surrounding immigration in the state (and don't forget that Tom Tancredo is from Colorado!), I guess I am hoping to read this latest shift in position in the best possible light.  But we will see what comes of it.  

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