Sunday, November 11, 2012


So last week I had my second major interview with my candidacy committee.  This step of the process is called Endorsement and is the second step in a three part process.  I was "entranced" in August 2011 as an official candidate.  This first step marks the transition into an intentional process of discernment with one's faith community and Synod.  The second step of the process is Endorsement and affirms that I have specific gifts and a calling for a specific ministry, in my case, the ministry of Word and Sacrament or ordained ministry.  What people call a pastor.  The third step of the process is called Approval and will occur after my pastoral internship is completed and shortly before I finish my coursework for my Master's of Divinity.

My endorsement interview included the director of candidacy, who is also a friend and mentor, a member of the candidacy committee who is also a chaplain, and one of my professors from Iliff, my pastoral care professor.  Back in August I wrote a 10 page essay that asked a ton of questions in preparation for this interview.  The interview was about 90 minutes long and while grueling, was an excellent experience.  I feel affirmed and encouraged in this path.

So what is next?  My next step is to secure an internship placement for next year.  Tomorrow morning I have a Skype interview with the contextual learning office at Luther Seminary and then will start interviewing with placement sites this winter.  Hopefully an internship will be finalized by March or April and then I will know where I am spending 2013-2014.  Goodness, I am getting awfully tired of moving every year.

I am moving to St. Paul in January to continue my Lutheran formation classes at Luther Seminary.  Lots of exciting things are afoot.

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