Monday, January 03, 2011

Ten things I am thankful for as 2011 begins

1. The beautiful state that I get to live in, Colorado.  The picture below is the view from behind my house.

2. Family.  I am related to a pretty fun group of people.

3. Friends.  From Denver to Fort Collins and Boulder to Bozeman, my friends are the people who create community and make me laugh.

4. House for All Sinner's and Saints.  I love this church and the people in it.  This congregation is a group of people living their lives together, and I am so thankful for the friends that I have made here.

5. Simple Pleasures like good food and drink and people to share them with.

6. My Health.  Made even more poignant as I bounce back from a bout of the flu.

7. Good Books.

8. Yoga and Meditation.  Is there really a better way to step back from the rat race and gain perspective?

9. Humor.  I have a bizarre and eclectic sense of humor, but this is also another one of my favorite ways to gain perspective.

10. Strange and Unexpected Bits of Beauty.  Like this graffiti on the bike trail near my house.

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