Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why I Love Living in Colorado...

I stumbled across an article today that talks about the "happiest" states in the country. Colorado is #4 and I have to agree with their assessment. This study was conducted by the independent company, Gallup. Behind Utah, Hawaii and Wyoming. Not so sure about Utah and Wyoming, but I could see how Hawaii would make you happy!

The link to the article:

The article has its theories about why it is so, but here are my reasons why I love Colorado and Boulder in particular:

1. People in Colorado are generally more committed to physical fitness and health promotion. We routinely place in the top of the "healthiest states" ratings. When you are healthier, you are happier.

2. The weather is wonderful. At least in the Front Range it is not too hot or not too cold. Having lived in both Montana and South Dakota, I appreciate this more than words can possibly express. The fact that I do not have to drive through several feet of snow on a daily basis (feet, plural!) makes me so happy. Plus, if we have a day with bad weather, the odds are that it will be completely different in a day or two. This makes it doubly hard when I return to Montana because I swear that my blood has thinned and I can no longer tolerate cold.

3. The scenery cannot be matched. We have an unbelievable variety of geography in Colorado, from soaring peaks to sandy deserts and expansive prairies. Every time I drive down the hill to get to my home and I see the snow-capped mountains of the front range, and Long's Peak I give thanks that I get to live here!

4. Boulder is fantastically eco-conscious. It has an unbelievable single-stream recycling program. I have cut my waste generation by over 50%. You can recycle just about anything, and if not from your home, there is a drop site for other items. I just recycled a broken hair dryer and some ancient floppy disks. In 2008, Coloradans reduced their trash by 35%.

6. Boulder is just plain fun. There are so many things to do. Some of my favorites: Duchanbe Tea House, Oskar Blues Brewery, Boulder County Open Space, Tokyo Joe's, Glacier Ice Cream, Boulder Creek Path, the Royal Arch hike, and Twin Lakes park. And just plain weird: in no particular order... The Naked Pumpkin Run, Frozen Dead Guy Days, and Pearl Street performers (including zip code guy, glass box guy, juggling fire guy and the woman who rolls her piano around and sings show tunes).

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