Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Photography

As many of you know, amateur photography has long been a hobby of mine, even since high school. Granted, I studied photography before the dawn of digital cameras, but I appreciate the digital artistry as much as developing my own film.

Well, upon encouragement from my mother, I have decided to attempt to sell some of my photographs. I have amassed quite a collection from a couple trips to Europe in the last few years (six different countries!) and living in Colorado and Montana. There is a really excellent online marketplace called that allows independent artists to sell their work. I have created a profile on this site and the link appears below.

Creating an online portfolio is time consuming, so right now there are only a few photos posted. At the very least check them out, and as my dear friends and relatives, I will give you a 50% discount. I also hope to print notecards in the future and set up a blog dedicated to my photography.

Much love,

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