Sunday, September 20, 2009

Paris 2009: City sights

During a trip in 2007 my friend Kaija described traveling in Europe as "everywhere you turn there is something cool to see, something that is old or unique." I am drawn to old cathedrals, the stained glass and soaring ceilings and light filtering through the space. When you wander through the churches, you can feel the history, and feel as if you are in communion with the saints. The Palais de Luxembourg at the Jardin du Luxembourg.

This is the fountain at the St. Sulpice Cathedral in Paris. This is my dear friend from College, Matt, who was a part of the travel group.

The Charles de Gaulle airport is the 5th biggest in the world (Denver is #10), and there is no argument there from me. This airport is the most confusing and counterintuitive building I have ever visited. There are three, count them, three train stations in this airport. The morning I left Paris for Denver I took four different trains to get from my hotel to the airport. Here I am in the TGV station waiting to board the bullet train to Brussels, then on to Amsterdam after having flown all night from Denver.

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